RSJ bridge program for becoming a “CSCA”,
Qualified Social Auditor Recognition

Elevating Social Audit Standards: RSJ’s Initiative to Bridge the Demand-Supply Gap

RSJ aims to address the shortage of qualified social compliance auditors (CSCAs) in India by launching a comprehensive program. This initiative strives to enhance the professionalism, consistency, and credibility of social auditing practices, building upon the foundation laid by APSCA.

By bridging the gap between the demand and supply of CSCA’s, we aim to strengthen good governance, oversight, and accountability within organizations.
Close-up of Human Hand

1. Social Audits and Auditors – Introduction:

Social audits have always been helping in promoting good governance, increase oversight and accountability of any organization.  Over the years, various social compliance programs have witnessed many changes to cater to industry requirements, yet after APSCA existence, the outcome of social auditing enhanced the professionalism, consistency and credibility of the individuals and organizations performing independent social compliance audits.  Therefore, on the one hand, the contributions of APSCA are highly appreciated but at the same time, the defined criteria have witnessed a huge gap between demand and supply of qualified resources (CSCAs) and that is somewhat worry some for social compliance audit industry.  In a big country like India, we have about 139 CSCAs (as on Mar 19, 2024) which are insufficient considering industry demand.  Therefore, we at RSJ would like to take an initiative by undertaking a PROGRAM to help minimize the demand and supply gap of qualified resources (CSCAs).  To start with, we wish to implement proposed program in India. 

2. Program Aims:

RSJ would like to help/support potentially suitable and eligible qualified persons to avail it’s platform to enrol with APSCA as a member auditor, appear and qualify exams to become CSCA to shorten gap between demand and supply of qualified and competent resources in India. 

3. Beneficiaries:

a) Auditors: This program is meant for both existing Social Compliance Auditors (Non ASCA / CSCA) and Aspiring working professionals (Subject to meeting eligibility requirements).  
b) Auditees: Clients (Brands); Manufacturers and Suppliers who are supplying Goods & Services to Brands / organisation / Markets who are socially conscious and expected to demonstrate adherence to globally acceptable social standards.

4. Gains:

a) Auditors:
Higher Compensation.  
Globally acceptable CSCA recognition.
Career Enhancement & Growth.

b) Market:
More Efficient & Timely delivery of Services.
Availability of Capable and competent resources
Cost effective Audits due availability of more CSCAs and audit firm options

c) Audit Firms:
Reduced compliance cost
Enhanced on time delivery of services.
Reduced Attrition of Critical Talent (ASCA / CSCA)
Obtain timely APSCA Membership & other Social Audit program accreditation

5. Eligibility (desired profile) of candidate:

1. Candidates with minimum qualification of graduation either in Humanities, Arts, Commerce, Science, Engineering or law with up-to 3 years of auditing experience with 3rd party audit firms or in manufacturing companies or Retailers or Brands or Liaison office or Buying House etc.
2. Strong follower and practitioner in ethics and integrity conduct. 
3. Excellent English communication skills with fluency in one local language such as Hindi, Tamil, Kanada, Telugu, Malayalam, Bengali or any other regional language.
4. Preference for those who have qualified SA 8000 lead auditor course or qualify to conduct ISO 9001/14001/26000 audits for certification purposes.    
5. Open to travel throughout Pan India on short notice. 
6. Well familiar with MS Office Word, Excel and Power Point.

6. How to Apply:

a) Prospective candidates are expected to access relevant pages of the website giving details of, read and agree to the following
– APSCA Code and Standards of Professional Conduct (
Ethics and conduct code (
– RSJ Compliance Programme (

b) Prospective candidates are expected to duly complete applicable forms and submit latest resume, audit log and 3 industry reference.

Fill the below form to Apply

7. How candidates are selected:

RSJ as part of selection process will:

a) conduct interviews against received applications from interested candidates to shortlist suitable candidates.

b) Will do a background check of shortlisted candidates and will consider only those candidates for selection where satisfactory outcome is received from their previous employers or their/our references.     

c) The shortlisted candidates who are currently working, will arrange a no objection certificate from their present employer on APSCA enrolment using RSJ platform to appear and qualify in APSCA exams to become CSCAs.  

d) RSJ’s selection of suitable candidates will be for APSCA enrolment opportunity, and for appearing in all APSCA exams, and therefore, in no way this will be considered as an employment opportunity be it full or part time basis or entering into any employment and/or work and/or training contract/agreement for any reward, remuneration, monetary benefit and/or for recognition and/or any other purposes what so ever.

e) The selected candidate/s will not work for RSJ directly or indirectly and therefore, they will not visit RSJ office/s and/or their business partners facilities for any reason whatsoever unless authorized by RSJ whole time director.

f) The selected candidate will not be paid any money, remuneration, wages, incentive, stipend, or fee by the RSJ.  Likewise, the selected candidate will not pay any fee or any money to RSJ to avail APSCA enrolment opportunity.

g) All costs associated with APSCA enrolment, training, exams, annual membership fee or any other current or future costs shall be borne by the selected candidate/s of their own and they will directly pay those to APSCA without any involvement of RSJ.

h) RSJ does not guarantee to undertake any required training and development activities for the selected candidates or to APSCA.  However, RSJ may guide them in the best possible manner.  At the same time, the selected candidates after enrolment with APSCA will have opportunities for online training through various recorded trainings programs in APSCA library.  For more info about online training and costs (if any), the selected candidates shall contact APSCA directly without any involvement of RSJ.

8. APSCA Enrolment Validity and Conditions for using RSJ Platform:

a) On completion of scrutiny of the profile and other details of prospective candidates, RSJ will enable the association of individual with APSCA by logging his details in to the APSCA portal.  

This will enable the selected candidates to apply & qualify the APSCA level 1,2 and 3 exams. However, the candidates are required to complete & qualify the APSCA level 1,2,3 exams preferably within 6 months from date of Association with APSCA as enabled by RSJ.

Therefore, this offer, and opportunity shall automatically expire after 6 months and RSJ will accordingly update the details in APSCA portal signifying dis-association of the selected candidate.

b) RSJ may discontinue with this offer to selected candidate/s even before completion of 6 months if concerned candidate(s) positive progress is not experienced or due to unethical or in-appropriate behaviour and conduct is reported (if any) or brought to the notice by any aggrieved party. 
c) The interested candidates desirous of extending the association beyond the validity period of 6 months, are required to make written submission to RSJ giving all the necessary details. RSJ may extend the offer period by another 3 to 6 months on case-to-case basis under exceptional circumstances.    

9. RSJ Support and Obligations to be fulfilled for auditor enrolment with APSCA:

a) Support: RSJ will support the selected candidate/s only to the extent to get enrolled with APSCA, appear and qualify all 3 exams to become CSCA through it’s platform. 
 b) Obligations:
Preparation and undertaking exams will be solely selected candidate/s responsibility.  Also
All financial costs for enrolment, exams fees and exams preparation etc. shall be borne by the selected candidate/s.
In addition, all infrastructure requirements such as computer/laptop, internet facility and calculator etc. shall need to be arranged by selected candidate/s of their own. 
All selected candidates are mandatorily required to comply with all norms & requirements (see link below) stipulated time to time and demonstrate ethical & responsible behaviour throughout the period of their association with RSJ and APSCA.